Sunday, July 20, 2008


This week we had Benjamin's six month check up and I am happy to report he is in perfect health. He weighs 22 pounds 5 ounces (which is off the charts for his age), 28 and 1/2 inches in height (95TH) and his head measures 18 cm (also 95TH...he has that Pelger head).

Today Benjamin gave us a nice surprise!!! He can pull himself up into a stand! We are so thankful that we have such a STRONG little boy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An oldie but goodie

This is video from the night Benjamin was born...12/22/2007. I think it is VERY cute. I could do without the part with me in it but Benjamin and his Daddy are too cute so I had to post it. (O:

Benjamin can crawl at 6 1/2 months!!!

Benjamin really is taking off! Growing a tooth, going from scooting to crawling in a few weeks and just in the last few days he goes from crawling to sitting! I swear, if I blink I'm going to miss him growing up! Benjamin is VERY excited about being able to move. We are excited too. But with that being said now we have to watch him like a hawk! Baby proofing here we come! He LOVES going after our shoes and trying to suck on them...gross! He LOVES trying to pull cords out of there sockets and play with video equipment that we thought was out of his reach. Needless to say I have to think of better places to hide things.

Our big boy crawling

crawling to sitting

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Whats up doc?

Benjamin's first tooth is coming through. He was sitting on my lap this morning and as I was talking to one of my friends when he put my finger in his mouth and bit me! After the shock wore off I realized 'that felt really sharp.' So after further observation I realized he has one of his bottom teeth coming in. :O) After getting bit I started handing him a number of teethers but he just wasn't interested. Then I remember something Johnnie had mentioned...a raw carrot. I quickly headed to the fridge, grabbed a carrot and handed it to Benjamin. Instantly it was a big hit. Thanks Johnnie.

Benjamin 1st haircut



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Benny is on the move!

I wouldn't say that Benjamin can crawl yet but...I would say that he is VERY close. Just in the last few days he has gone from only moving his body in circles on the floor to get what he wants TO using his legs/feet to push his body forward. Today however he surprised us with moving forward quite a bit further and faster than before. Enjoy. :)