Friday, October 17, 2008

Thanksgiving Point - Dinosaur Museum

Benjamin had his first experience with a museum on Monday.  Thanks to Auntie Hayley we have pictures of this event...I forgot my camera.  Thanks Hayley.  :)

Benjamin standing next to a dinosaur leg

Crawling in a cave
That fossil is as BIG as Benny!
Benjamin the dinosaur!!!!  ROOOOAAARRRRR!!!!

Benjamin was really unsure of the water and sand...but it did not take him long to figure out what to do. :o)

days and days of entertainment

My birthday surprise

I'm a little late posting this, my birthday was last week but its better late than never. :)

Jake stayed up VERY late to create this birthday surprise for me. I was completely taken back by it! When I woke up on my birthday I headed to the living room with Benjamin in tow and we both just stood there...stunned. It really made my day and Benjamin's(we will definitely have to get him balloons for his birthday). I LOVE my fiance!

Jake posing :)

Benjamin and me

Benjamin playing with the balloons. They kept him entertained him ALL day long. :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Benny offically took him 'first step' last Saturday (10/11) and today he took THREE steps at three o'clock this afternoon! We are so proud! Just thought you would like to know. :O)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another trip to the UOP

These pictures are from a week later from the last (so the end of September). Jake and I were showing Katie and Jason where we are getting married and we asked them to take some pictures. We also took some fun ones of Benny too! Thanks guys!

These three pictures are where our reception is going to be held

This picture is where our actual ceremony is going to be held. Our photographer is going to hate us...the room is made up of three walls of windows! :)

I am so in love :OD

Future Luge athlete? I know Jake would like to think so... :O)

Olympic Park trip with Aunt Hayley, Uncle Mike and Cousin Ethan

Auntie Hayley and Benny

Mommy and Benny

Mike is in back, then Hayley and Ethan. This was just a photo shoot sled because Ethan wasn't old enough to go down...just one more year Ethan!

This is NO photo op! We are seconds from going 67 mph! Note Jake is the driver...its a good thing I trust my fiance!

A play date at Liberty Park

Benjamin had funny hanging out with Addie at Liberty Park. They played in the water and hung out on the swings. I love play dates!

He can stand!!!

Benjamin has been able to stand by himself since the first part of September. I've tried a couple of times to catch him doing it but as soon as I grab the camera he is down.

Our little angel

I'm a little behind on my posts so I going to posting a whole bunch today. I think these pictures are funny. Benny really LOVES his blankies!