Sunday, November 9, 2008


Halloween 2008

pre-halloween and walking

As of 10/29 Benjamin is offical walking!!!

funny videos

10/29 halloween?

The other day I was trying to figure out how to alter my bridesmaid dresses and Benny started playing with the skirt. He loves putting things over his head. He is such a funny boy. Benjamin and I were entertained by with for over 10 mintues! I thought this picture is too funny Our little boy is getting SO big! This bear that Benjamin is holding is the same bear he is laying on (at 2 weeks old). I can't belive the difference. My little baby is now a boy... :(

10/21 cleaning house

The other day I was dusting and cleaning up the house and Benjamin was just watching me like he usually does. Well I dropped one of the paper towels I was using. Instead of immediately putting the towel in his mouth Benjamin started coping me. I don't know why I found it so funny but it was really cute to watch. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10/19 A day at the zoo

Sara (one of my bridesmaids) and I had fun taking the Sequoia and Benny to the zoo. The last time Sequoia went was when she was Benny age. She really enjoyed herself. Benny wasn't sure what to think. I would point at animals but he wouldn't really understand until they started moving! Then he would get VERY excited. He LOVES animals! If Jake had it his way we would already have a cat and/or dog. :)

This picture is funny. Benny is trying to pull Sequoia's hair. She wasn't pleased...

Sequoia on the merry go round

How cute!

us on the train

This trees was so pretty that we had to take pictures in front of it.

Da, Bears... :)

ummmmm, yummy!

11/18 Cornbelly's

This was are first time to Cornbelly's. We went with Aunt Hayley, Uncle Mike and Cousin ET. I think Benjamin enjoyed himself...I think he was a little unsure about the whole thing. :)

Benjamin and me on the cow train

Hayley and me :)

Benjamin and Daddy

Kelly's Baby shower

We had a really fun time at Kelly's baby shower for baby Reece! Benjamin enjoyed getting into everything! Pulling off a table cloth, popping a balloon and playing with Baby Reece's gifts!

Auntie Hayley and Benjamin

Great Grandma and Benjamin

And, the woman of the hour! Kelly and her little belly (baby Reece...we can't wait to meet you!)

10/17 Cottonwood Park

Benjamin and Addie had so much fun at Cottonwood park. They played on the swings, slid down the slide (with an adult), played with grass and eating leaves. :o)